Sunday, May 30, 2010

This is a funny website!!

Found a funny website in fb called "" !!

Why i say it is funny is because it is fulled of all sort of weird stuff,funny stuff and maybe some news that we will never notice all over the world.

Here are some content from the website that i would like to share with you guys!! 


*Look at his name and i think now you know why the topic is set to be like this!lol

This website include some horrify topic too!!!
Here i am to introduce to you guys!!*drum rolling*

Do you know who they are???
They are

Different story for each of this woman!!
She killed her husband and serve him as dinner for the kids!
She bit off her husband's manhood!
She accidentally hung him dead in a sex game!
She murdered four of his five husband!
and so so so on.......

What next???
Do you know how is those people look like after over-plastic-surgery???


She is merely one of them within the 13 tops!!!

Feel interesting about it and want to read more?? Click here for more and more!!!


Last but not least!!
An eye test grab from the website which i think is quite funny!

Focus on the girl who is wearing pink color blouse!!!
Tell me what you see!!!lol!

Hints :Just keep your mind holly and don't be horny! xD

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


there is nothing to update about.

Currently no life as i am being stuck in UM =(

Come back for this special semester since i failed DYNAMICS!!!
Who to blame? -----> ME

Just hope i can pass this subject this time!
A ??? Nah~not going to think about it!(kinda lazy)lolx
That's ME! xp

Seriously i am not those kind who aim A in exam,
just hope that it is not too bad and don't fail pleaseeee~ T.T

It isn't feel good.So i tell myself not to repeat this again for the rest of my uni life!!
Ermmm~hope i can make it huh cause i don't want to be like him >.< !


Sunday, May 23, 2010

My very first post!!

This is my very first time to blog due to the overflow boredom in this special semester!

Simply get one blogskin which i think is quite weird though~

Will work for it when the mood is attacking me again!!


NO No no~ Shouldn't say like this since i am surely a non-active blogger!lolx

She is pong ci who is going to create a blog just like me due to the overflow boredom!!!wuhu~


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